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زراعة الشعر في مصر بمركز تركي هير

خبرة عالمية في زراعة الشعر بأسعار معقولة

مرحباً بكم في عيادة تركي للشعر، وجهتكم المثالية لزراعة الشعر في الشرق الأوسط. نفخر بتقديم أحدث تقنيات زراعة الشعر بأسعار تنافسية في موقعنا المميز بمصر.

لماذا يختار عملاؤنا مركز تركي؟

تجمع عيادتنا بين الخبرة الطبية العالمية والأسعار المناسبة، مما جعلنا الخيار الأول للمرضى من أمريكا وبريطانيا وروسيا وماليزيا ودول الخليج وآسيا.

ما يميز مركز تركي لزراعة الشعر:

فريق طبي محترف بخبرة تزيد عن 15 عاماً

أحدث التقنيات العالمية في زراعة الشعر

أسعار مناسبة مقارنة بالدول الأوروبية والأمريكية

خدمات شاملة تتضمن الإقامة والمواصلات

رعاية طبية متكاملة قبل وبعد العملية

متابعة مستمرة لمدة عام كامل

Turkey Clinic 13

قصص نجاح عملائنا حول العالم

صنعنا العديد من قصص النجاح لعملائنا من دول مختلفة حول العالم. انضم إليهم اليوم ودعنا نكتب قصتك!

Sam Abraham
I’m very pleased with the result of my hair transplant with Dr. Ahmed Elboraey and would recommend him to anyone. Dr. Ahmed Elboraey gave me a hair transplant in July of last year, and he restored my hairline in a way that gave me a natural looking result. Dr. Ahmed Elboraey gave me comprehensive care from beginning to end, during my initial consultation he answered all of my questions and explained what kind of result I could expect, the estimated number of grafts and the price. On the morning of my surgery, I was astonished at the team of specialists that quickly assembled in his lab to perform the dissection of small hairs and the actual transplant. After some numbing injections, my surgery was pain free, and Dr. Ahmed Elboraey and the staff checked on me continually throughout the procedure, wanting to ensure that I was comfortable and felt ok. Dr. Ahmed Elboraey was especially kind and chatted with me throughout the procedure. Thanks Dr. Ahmed Elboraey! About six hours later, I was on my way home with a head full of baby hair transplants and feeling hopeful. I had follow-up appointments with Dr. Ahmed Elboraey after the procedure where he monitored my progress and answered my questions. He was always super kind and compassionate during our interactions. I could look in the mirror and see how much the thickness of my hair line changed after a few months, and then six months later, and then twelve , my hairline continued to evolve and look thicker and fuller over time. My only regret is that I didn’t have the procedure done ten years ago. Thank you again Dr. Ahmed Elboraey!
Tanvir Lone
Life Changing and Best Decision I’ve Ever Made I chose Turkey hair Clinic for my hair transplant after extensive research. Being an Indian I scoured RealSelf, Google, and even watched YouTube videos of client testimonials. But they stood out, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. From the moment I reached out to the clinic, the experience was exceptional. The team was professional, and their attention to detail put me at ease. That's why I consider it the best decision I’ve ever made: Expertise with Care,they followed up to ensure my recovery was smooth. And believe me I have searched all over from UAE India this is not even close to being expensive. They even give you 4 free PRP sessions You can check my results for the first three months I am excited for coming months
Suruj Mahmud
The management here is very good, doctors and nurses are very good in their opinion. Finally, I want to say that the work here is very good. I have done hair transplant here with good results, thank you Dr fauzi
Girum Yaye
I'm so glad that i decided to do my hair transplant operation here, special thanks to dr Ahmed Elboraey and his staff.
Daniela Acevedo
The best clinic. Im artist and had a Scar for year in my head. Dr. Ahmed, conserving the most of the hair, he made me the surgery in the scar and works perfect. I didn’t feel any pain, the people didn’t notice my surgery. I could be back at work very soon and after 5 month my new hair started to grow up. The Dr. was every time checking and asking about myself. Now, my scar is almost totally covered. 100% recomended
Diego Ignacio Díaz
I just finished my treatment with Dr. Ahmed Al-Burain. He was very professional since we first met and took a long time to explain me the details about my case and step by step the procedure. He answered every question I had and made myself feel very comfortable about the whole situation. I would glady recommend his work, even more if you are a foreigner like me. He would just take extra time to make you feel 100% happy about the whole situation.
Ernesto Rivera
Very professional, honest and empathetic doctor. I visited the clinic to study my options for a second FUE procedure, the first one being made 6 years ago in my country. I was impressed by the knowledge and honesty of the doctor, specially with my past experiences with cosmetic doctors who seemed to care more about money than my well-being. The doctor was quick to point out that I may not need the procedure as my looks are good. Nevertheless, we made a schedule and sorted out all details in case I decide to make the operation, all taking into account my travel plans to visit Egypt and my personal values and beliefs. The proposed procedure price is great, and I am more than happy to have payed the consultation fee (250EGP under 10$) for all the advice and questions I had for everything related to my hair, doing FUE or not. In the end I may not do the procedure just yet, but this for sure will be my first choice whenever I feel like doing it in the coming years. All the best to the doctor and clinic.
Ian Prest
Whilst searching for hair transplant clinics in Turkey I came across the Turkey Clinic in Giza, Cairo.I am so pleased I found this clinic. The whole procedure from first contact to the excellent after care was first class. I cannot praise the Doctor and his excellent team enough. I highly recommend this the additional bonus of checking out the absolutely outstanding and successful trip. William Prest
Stas Smirnov
Желаю удачи и процветания данной клинике ,отношение и профессионализм на высоком уровне, результат отличный. Таких волос не было и в молодости, пересаживал около 3600 графтов,заняло 14 часов, сам из России. Doctor Ahmed,Aswa,Arwa, Hi👋 👋 👋 👋 I wish you luck!!!!
Stas Smirnov
Желаю удачи и процветания данной клинике ,отношение и профессионализм на высоком уровне, результат отличный. Таких волос не было и в молодости, пересаживал около 3600 графтов,заняло 14 часов, сам из России. Doctor Ahmed,Aswa,Arwa, Hi👋 👋 👋 👋 I wish you luck!!!!

خدماتنا الشاملة لعملائنا الدوليين:

استشارة مجانية عن بُعد لتقييم حالتك

استقبال من المطار

إقامة في فنادق 5 نجوم

مترجم خاص طوال فترة العلاج

خطة علاج مفصلة وواضحة

متابعة شهرية بعد العملية لمدة سنة

نتائج حقيقية

نفتخر بعرض نتائج مرضانا قبل وبعد العملية، والتي تظهر التحول الكبير في شكل الشعر وكثافته. يمكنكم مشاهدة الصور والنتائج في معرض الصور الخاص بنا.

أول خطوة لاستعادة شعرك تبدأ من هنا

احجز موعدك الأن

هذا الحقل لأغراض التحقق ويجب تركه دون تغيير.